
Friday 16 March 2012

Research Human Figure and environments/characteristics

Frank Frazetta 

Comic book artist in the 60s-80s 

I love this image by Frank Frazetta showing a cave women with two sabre-toothed tigers I think this is awesome and he has depicted her very well with her hair flying up showing both a dangerous but sexy look within the pose.

Alan Lee

Tiffy The Cadet - Original Digital painting then from there Alan moved it into Zbrush.
I particularly like these as it's very futuristic and the character shows some cool characteristics. I feel that the short hair was assigned to her to give her more of a tom boy
look which goes with her role of being a cadet.

A very beautiful piece of art work I love how the sky works over the top of the characters and how beautiful the female is and the proportions and perspective is amazing.

An image from lord of the rings by Alan Lee, a very awesome imaginativeness drawing of a tree person, I love the way that he has formed the human body shape using a tree which gives me different ideas for my organic and mechanical task.

Kittiwat Unarrom

Human body parts created with loafs of bread

When I saw the below images it really amazed me how you can use simple ingredients to create such amazing art work. Kittiwat creates using body parts using loafs of bread which look amazingly real, I loved these images of how they are betrayed in a tin tub which really made me think how we treat animals and that one day the life cycle could turn around to us being like this. It really made me think of betraying my character in a way that makes us think.

I think the image above is amazing the author has blended in the inside of the body very well with the outside. The proportions are also very good and he seems to have some style of making the shadow very curved and has a nice shadow on the background.

Another image I particularly like, and also had some great ideas if I was to redraw this as I could add some sort off mechanical device down his back connected to the back off his head. I also like this pose a lot as it seems to me that it symbolises that he feels as though he is in the cage.

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