
Thursday 15 March 2012

Research into the female figure and lighting

For my character design tasks I have taken into looking at female figures in front of the camera. This has been particularly useful for the creation of my character. the images below are photography shots the top row shows a blank background with lighting composition so having this reference helps me identify how my lighting would work given certain perspective angles.

I particulary like the poses in the middle row at the far right as this really identify that she has a lot of attitude and style, so I have also taken the characteristics of what these poses symbolize and how these females are put across in a "sexy" way. 

Again these images have been taken from a modelling website so I could get some different poses which I can then sketch up for myself and have some self learning on the different perspectives of these shot's taken. I love all of these images and they really are great poses. I particularly like the top left one which makes a really great silhouette. I also took some of the models close up as I may want to deviate and focus on just the face.

I also love the middle end row image which I think is an amazing shot and really adds to the perspective. although the image below that is something that I would really like to recreate in my own way as using a reflection can really add to an image. I could also change the reflection to be the darker side of my character which would really add to here dangerous yet sexy side and also add a lot of characteristic.

With these poses I wanted to take into account how props really add to images and how we act given different props. as you can see when given a handgun the poses change dramatically and are pretty much set around the gun being in the foreground and the character being in the background in the first row left image the gun is the main thing that we look at and it really gives the character a sexy feel which I would like to incorporate with my character and making her give off a very sexy but dangerous aura.

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